Expedition’s Blog
A compendium of projects, process notes, technical reference, and personal anecdote: welcome to Expedition's blog. These are stories about the things we make and what we think about while making them.

Letterpress Workers 2016
I’m just back from two weeks in Italy, the first in Milan, the second at Tipoteca Italiana and then Venice. I am sitting here back in New York feeling a little sad, missing all the lovely new friends I made and knowing I won’t see them for quite some time. Oh time. But what a time!

Artist Residency at Wells
I spent the last two and half weeks printing up a storm in the Wells Book Arts Center, at Wells College in Aurora NY. I camped out in the new press room with five Vandercooks, reams of Mohawk Superfine, a 3lb can of black ink, and tunes, snacks, and a water bottle.

Starshaped Press: Handset at its Best
Halfway through my cross country drive, I had the great honor to spend two evenings and a full day with the very talented tough-as-nails Jen Farrell of Starshaped Press.

Letterpress Zion: Platen Press Museum
I arrived at the Platen Press Museum in Zion, Illinois, at 12:30pm on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Paul Aken’s collection is truly a wonder to behold.

Letterpress Origins: Mainz, Germany

Letterpress in Barcelona & Amsterdam

Expedition’s off to Europe!
I will be abroad for the next three weeks, tromping around Europe in search of old friends, cold brews, and all things letterpress. From Gaudi to Gutenberg.