William Stafford broadside

“A Story That Could Be True” by William Stafford, from Ask Me: 100 Essential Poems. Reprinted with permission from the Estate of William Stafford and Graywolf Press. Five-color letterpress broadside from handset type, designed and printed by Myrna Keliher at Expedition Press.
Commissioned for a wedding keepsake, this print was a surprise gift for the bride, who in turn gifted it to the guests. We don’t do a lot of wedding-related work but when the groom called and started off with “my fiancée’s favorite poet is William Stafford...” needless to say it was a conversation we were happy to entertain!
Project notes: type is Perpetua, paper is Rising Stonehenge, 5 inks, limited edition, not for sale.
18 & 24pt perpetua: metal type form used to print the poem.
Hand-inked runs of reflex blue mixed with transparent white were overlaid to create the blue gradient.