Author list
We have the great and ongoing fortune to work with a lot of wonderful poets and their words. Here’s a list alphabetized by last name with links to their prints.
Abu Toha, Mosab. A Rose Shoulders Up, We Love What We Have
Allen, Kenzie. Few Moments
An-hwei Lee, Karen. nothing/yet
Antrobus, Raymond. Loveable
Asghar, Fatimah. All My Life
Baldwin, Jamaica. Love
Basham, Brendan. Released to River
Bass, Ellen. Choreography of Ruin
Beck, Zeina Hashem. Tired of Knocking
Berry, Erica. Cry Wolf
Bitsui, Sherwin. tó
Brekke, Luke. Read While You Can
Brown, Jericho. Crossing
Caballero, M. Soledad. What You Are Doing
Carruth, Hayden. Let Justice Be Primary
Carver, Raymond. Late Fragment
Chang, Victoria. Bird & Stone
Chen, Chen. Remember the Earth
Clifton, Lucille. i am not done yet, water sign woman
Davis, Geffrey. Self-Portrait as a Dead Black Boy
Diaz, Natalie. Before Beginning, Fast/Slow, Trust Your Anger
Doyle, Brian. The river thinks too
Dunic, Leanne. Open
Ellis, Elaina. Sky
Emerson, Hannah. Look to the Nothing
Flame, Amber. We Begin
Gallagher, Tess. Choices
Gay, Ross. Thank You, Noticing
George, Jenny. Reprieve
Gilroy, Tom. Squeezed
Girmay, Aracelis. Be Held Now
Harrison, Gerber, Starck. 3 Blazes
Hayes, Terrance. Not for Long
Jordan, June. Poem about My Rights
Kaminsky, Ilya. We Lived Happily during the War
Koh, E. J. As If by Magic, Same Suffering
Limón, Ada. Instructions on Not Giving Up, Love Harder
Mallarmé, Stéphane. Everything Exists
Malone, Erin. They Gleam
Merwin, W.S. Only to Live, Wish
Modlin, Brad Aaron. What You Missed That Day You Were Absent from Fourth Grade
Mojgani, Anis. Goat of My Heart, Wild & Kind
Morgan, Saretta. Imagine Sounds, Wake Into Love
Murdza, Thérèse. Grin Again
Nepo, Mark. Thousandth Time
Neruda, Pablo. No lo había mirado
Noodin, Margaret. Apenimonodan broadside (Anishinaabemowin), small print (English)
Nye, Naomi Shihab. I Still Have Everything You Gave Me
Orr, Gregory. Waiting
Pai, Shin Yu. This Rawness
Revilla, No'u. Seed to Summit
Ruefle, Mary. A Little Cairn, Clouds
Sax, Sam. Salt
Sigo, Cedar. Push Through, The Studio
Spaulding, Holly Wren. The Killing
Stafford, William. Determined Moon
Strunk & White. Omit Needless Words
Tolbert, TC. Monolith of Try
Tuffaha, Lena Khalaf. Are We, Home, Later, Later Are We Home
Vuong, Ocean. & remember, Torso of Air
Whitman, Walt. Happy Hour’s Command, I Am Goodness
Whyte, David. Bright Home, Sweet Darkness
Wong, Jane. Astonished Enough, Tell Me
Zapruder, Matthew. Valentine for Vasko Popa
Zhang, Jenny. the morning of yesterday’s yesterday is for once soft