Poetry Lunch reading series
Informal poetry reading series with Myrna Keliher, live on Instagram @expeditionpress and archived here. Also! We listed all the books on bookshop.org so you can buy them and read them.

Reciting “This Be The Verse” by Philip Larkin
I love this poem for how abrupt and hilariously spot on it calls the painful reality of family legacy. No matter how hard any of us try, above and below we carry and pass on really hard stuff.

Reading “Time for Rivets” by Denise Levertov
I love the staunch stoicism in this poem that’s able to accept another crack even though it was sure it wouldn’t come. There’s an honoring of life long lived and the knowing perspective that comes with it while allowing sudden big new feeling.

Reading “I Love You” by Jenny George

Reading “Elegy Against Elegy” by Kenzie Allen

Reading “When it Really is Just the Wind, and Not a Furious Vexation” by Kyle Tran Myhre

Reading from “The Testing-Tree” by Stanley Kunitz & Two Poems by Me

Reading “At Some Moment the Confidence Snaps” by June Jordan

Reading “Diaspora Sonnet with Swifts Insisting on Their Accomodations” by Oliver de la Paz

Reading “Things” by Jane Kenyon

Reading “The Chance” by Arthur Sze

Reading “Any Common Desolation” by Ellen Bass
This poem reminds me to look up, and to pause. To take note of the world around me when my insides are tore up or even just grating.
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